
Simulator assists heavy vehicle industry

21 July 2023

Victoria is now home to a new $9 million state-of-the art immersive motion simulator called Genesis at Deakin University’s Waurn Ponds (Geelong) campus. It is the only one of its type in Australia and features a 360-degree, five metre-high screen able to project variable virtual driving environments.

The simulator features interchangeable car and truck bodies that can move four metres in any direction and half a metre up and down. The simulator is housed in Deakin’s Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation and will be vital for mobility research, automotive testing and design, transport prototyping, driver safety and training.

Real-world applications for the simulator include heavy vehicle training, allowing trainee truck drivers valuable time behind the wheel in a safe and controlled environment.

VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym said, “Any additional high-tech training infrastructure into the state of Victoria is welcomed if it can advance our transport labour shortfall.”  

Learn more about how the Genesis simulator will assist the heavy vehicle industry or watch the simulator in action.  

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