Government often seeks public opinion on proposed policy or regulatory reform, inviting community comment through a submission process.
VACC maintains an active approach to policy issues through monitoring, analysis, research and making regular submissions to government that reflect the organisation's position on legislation and regulatory proposals.
This includes submissions to the Annual Wage Review, the Productivity Commission, the Victorian Law Reform Commission, and the Australian Law Reform Commission.
- December – VACC, MTA-NSW, MTA-SA and MTA-WA Joint Submission: Fair Work Amendment (Remaining 2014 Measures) Bill 2015
- December – VACC, MTA-NSW and MTA-WA Joint Submission: Feasibility of, and options for, creating a national long service standard, and the portability of long service leave and other entitlements
- December – AMIF Harper Review Submission
- November – VACC Submission: Labour Hire Industry and Insecure Work
- November – VACC Submission: Industry Response to the Essential Services Commission, Accident Towing Regulation, Draft Recommendations (September 2015)
- September – VACC, MTA-NSW, MTA-SA and MTA-WA Joint Submission: Reply Submission to the Productivity Commission Draft Report on the Workplace Relations Framework
- August – VACC Submission: VET Funding Review Issues Paper
- August – VACC Submission: Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Portability of Long Service Leave Entitlements
- August – VACC Submission: Regulatory Impact Statement on two proposed new public holidays in Victoria
- July – VACC Submission: Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Fuel Drive Offs
- June – VACC Submission: Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee inquiry into the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Amendment Bill 2014 [No. 2]
- May – VACC Submission: Inquiry into Inhibitors to Employment for Small Business and Disincentives to Working for Individuals
- March – VACC Submission: Annual Wage Review 2014-15
- March – VACC, MTA-NSW and MTA-SA Joint Submission: Productivity Commission Inquiry on the Workplace Relations Framework
- February – VACC Submission: Senate Inquiry into the operation, regulation and funding of private vocational education and training (VET) providers in Australia