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Brand and logo marketing
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Brand and logo marketing

Our last post discussed online marketing for your business, if you missed it you can check it out here. We are continuing our tips on marketing your automotive business with information about brands and logos for your business and how important word of mouth is.

Brands and logos

When creating a brand for your business, think about a strong look which incorporates a tag line (strapline) which the public can easily associate your business with. Here are some examples of taglines you could use for your company;

  • 'locally owned and operated since 1975'
  • 'mechanic of the year 2014 and 2015'
  • 'first tow truck company in town'

The key to a memorable tagline is to make sure it is short and punchy, and not too wordy.

Now think about your business name and how you can brand it. It needs to stand out from the crowd, easy to remember and noticeable.

One way of making your brand stand out is by using a colour scheme that is striking, simple and represents your business.

Don’t forget to incorporate your colour scheme throughout your business premises to keep everything consistent, from your exterior of your workshop to your employee uniforms and even your waiting room (if you have one). 

One tip when creating your logo, your tagline and your colour scheme, keep the overall look simple and effective. To read more information on brand and logos, click here.

Word of mouth

Some of your best marketing opportunities are your staff. Work with your staff and give them the tools to feel confident to talk about your business to the public.

Your staff need to give great customer service. Work with your team and arm them with information and even scripts on what to say to your customers. This will give your team the confidence to up sell your business.

Give your team a reason for being proud of where they work as they will then talk about their workplace to their friends and family and this is how FREE word of mouth marketing can be initiated. Great customer service is essential, as a happy customer will easily recommend your services to their family and friends.

Bad customer service experiences spread quickly and easily via word of mouth and online forums and social media. In our next post, we will discuss how sponsorship can play an important part in marketing your business.

