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Bulletin for All Members

Warning - SCAM emails from VACC

Dear Member

VACC Members have reported that they have received SCAM emails supposedly from VACC.

The sender’s email address changes, but is from the domain

The email subject is: please find attached

There is a document attached named Xerox.Scan (you should not open the document), but if you did, it will ask for your username and password to Gmail or similar.

Please be aware, that VACC would never send an email to Members asking for usernames and passwords.

If you received this scam email, please delete it.

Remember these email security best practice tips:

  1. Check that the sender’s email is legitimate. Does the email address have spelling mistakes or other signs that it could be spoofed or fake?
  2. Don’t download images. Downloading content from a malicious source verifies that your email address is valid.
  3. Check links before clicking. Hover over the clickable links (don’t click) to reveal the link address.
  4. Beware of attachments. Don’t download or preview attachments until you have confirmed they aren’t malicious.
  5. Do your research. Use a search engine to do your research. If you have been sent it, chances are so have others.
  6. Check the content. Does it look questionable? Check the style, manner and grammar from known senders.
