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Bulletin for All Members

VACC’s A Grade Automotive Network



Dear VACC Member

VACC’s A Grade Automotive Network (AGAN) aims to maintain its relevance to program participants, VACC and the automotive industry.  As you have previously expressed an interest in the program, I would like to ask for your feedback and thoughts by completing a short A Grade Automotive Network survey.

AGAN has been advertising on 3AW and the Herald Sun every week during our various campaigns.  We have built a considerable online presence through Facebook, SEO, and online marketing campaigns to complement newspaper and radio.  We recently ran a campaign that promoted choice of repairer to consumers and have just completed a Facebook campaign for consumers to win $250 Go AGrade gift vouchers.  Please visit our website as an introduction to how the A Grade Automotive Network can direct consumers to your business and increase your online presence.  Current AGAN Chairman, Joe Brogno and participant, Sab Beyzade explain why they are part of the program in the What is A Grade?. video.

We appreciate and thank you for your time and feedback. If you could please complete the survey by this Friday, 2 February 2018.

If you wish to further discuss your interest and participation in the program, please contact me.
Kind regards

Andre Mallia
Manager Member Programs
Technical and Programs
Level 7 | 464 St Kilda Road | Melbourne Vic 3004
P: 03 9829 1202 | M: 0400 815 174 | F: 03 9867 1795 | W:

