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Coronavirus: 'Auto is open' campaign launch
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Coronavirus: 'Auto is open' campaign launch

12 May 2020

VACC has launched a community awareness campaign, Auto is open, in order to support members and get the word out to motorists that auto remains open for business.

The initiative includes a nine-week advertising campaign, which will engage motorists across a variety of mediums.

Campaign elements include:

This initiative has been launched in response to motorist confusion and member frustration in regard to government restrictions and the automotive industry. While the Chamber supports all measures being put in place to protect Australians, it has proved necessary for industry to make it clear to motorists: We are open for business.

In addition to the campaign, the Chamber released a bulletin to all members, relaying advice received from the Office of the Minister for Police, the Hon Lisa Neville MP.  VACC had written to the Minister seeking clarity of messaging for staff and consumers travelling to automotive businesses.

Download bulletin, VACC recommends members download, print and display notice in their workshop and keep a copy in work vehicles. 

The Minister’s office provided the following advice:

VACC is correct in that the automotive trade is not being prohibited from work or opening, so staff can work, and customers engage as appropriate and consistent with the CHO requirements around density quotients and physical distancing.

Accordingly, the Office of the Minister for Police has provided VACC's correspondence to the Chief Commissioner’s office to ensure it informs the ongoing messaging to police members during this time.

In addition, police officers are not meant to be stopping people from travelling for work or restricting trade of businesses that can and should remain open as long as they are maintaining density quotients and physical distancing.


