
Member mental health support

24 August 2021

It is a difficult time for many businesses, therefore VACC has arranged for members and their staff to have access to external mental health support.

Available through Psychology Melbourne, the Chamber will cover the fee and all sessions are confidential, members can simply provide their membership number to Psychology Melbourne when booking.

Call Psychology Melbourne: (03) 9629 1001.

Psychology Melbourne is committed to helping people improve their mental health and wellbeing, assisting them through personal, work and relationship difficulties and introducing them to strategies that can fundamentally change and enrich their lives. It also works with organisations to help them create psychologically healthy workplaces and provide Employee Assistance Programs that improve productivity by helping their staff deal with personal and work-related difficulties.

Fine Tuning Automotive Mental Health (FTAMH) is another initiative available to members. Funded by the WorkSafe WorkWell Mental Health Improvement Fund, VACC developed the FTAMH program to provide information, resources and practical measures in the automotive industry to identify and prevent mental health issues in the workplace.

Useful links:
Psychology Melbourne:
Fine Tuning Automotive Mental Health:

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