TACC news

AutoCareers campaign launch

10 October 2022

Finding labour and retaining staff are the big issues in automotive right now, and VACC and TACC are tackling the skills concern from a number of angles including the launch of an AutoCareers multi-media marketing campaign.

The project encompasses a range of initiatives to thrust automotive careers in front of young people (prospective apprentices) and their influencers (parents and teachers), along with skilled workers looking for a career change.

AutoCareers campaign activities include the television advert above – shown across Victoria and Tasmania – extensive social media promotion, along with editorial and interviews.

Supporting this advertising is a new AutoCareers website. It replaces the Chamber's JobFinder service (JobFinder listings have been migrated to the new site).

Have a position to fill? List it for free via AutoCareers!

W: autocareers.com.au
P: 03 9829 1133
E: autoadvice@vacc.com.au

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