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Have your say on current skills shortages
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Have your say on current skills shortages

31 January 2024

The Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA), of which VACC is a member, urges its members to take part in a vital survey conducted by Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA) addressing skills shortages.

The Skills Priority List serves as a crucial tool for evaluating existing skills gaps and predicting future labour demands across various Australian industries. It plays a pivotal role in shaping domestic education and training policies and informs strategic planning for Australia's Migration Program.

This presents a unique opportunity for stakeholders in the Australian automotive retail industry to voice their concerns and provide insights into the current and expected skills shortages they encounter.

VACC members can contribute by completing the Automotive Skills Shortages Survey, which will aid in the formulation of a comprehensive government submission.

All VACC and TACC members can take part. Each business can provide only one response. Deloitte Access Economics and MTAA will use the collected data from the survey to complete the JSA Skills Priority List stakeholder survey tailored to the automotive industry.

Individual businesses and their responses will remain confidential in the information provided to JSA.

Automotive Skills Shortages Survey

The survey closes on Friday 9 February 2024.

