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MVIRI Code Committee progresses reforms
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MVIRI Code Committee progresses reforms

24 JANUARY 2024

The Motor Vehicle Insurance and Repair Industry (MVIRI) Code of Conduct Committee (CAC) has made significant strides in response to an independent review led by Dr Michael Schaper.

The CAC has completed plans for a comprehensive rewrite of the Code and sought legal advice on governance options from external experts. These advisors will present their findings to the committee in early 2024.

MVIRI CAC Chair, Stephen Jenkins stated: "Dr Schaper's review called for a simplified yet legally robust Code. To achieve this, the CAC sought insights from external advisors for a thorough reform process."

Aligned with Dr Schaper's recommendations, the committee is working on enhancing the user experience on the Code's website.

Since receiving Dr Schaper's report in May 2023, the CAC has met several times to progress the 15 recommendations covering dispute resolution, Code awareness, compliance, governance, and other key areas.

The CAC appointed Dr Schaper in December 2022 to conduct an independent review, and he submitted his final report in May 2023. The review engaged various stakeholders, including government bodies, regulators, Code Administration Committee members, and representatives from the insurance and repair industry.

The MVIRI Code of Conduct has undergone periodic reviews since its establishment in 2006 to ensure its relevance, with the last one in 2017. Dr Schaper's report is accessible on the MVIRI Code of Conduct website and on the MTAA and ICA websites.

The CAC will implement the recommendations, ensuring a Code that meets the changing needs of the industry and its participants.

Read the full media release here:

