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Working safely with lead repair radiators
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Working safely with lead repair radiators

18 JANUARY 2024

WorkSafe Victoria initiated a lead exposure project targeting radiator repair workshops in 2021. More stringent requirements relating to lead exposure levels in Victorian workplaces brought about this project.

WorkSafe Victoria engaged with the VACC OHSE Unit, advising of a significant lack of compliance in many of the businesses they visited. This included:

  • failure to have workers who are exposed to lead regularly blood-tested
  • failure to remove lead-exposed workers from the workplace
  • insufficient facilities to reduce contamination
  • a lack of adequate engineering-type control measures to reduce lead exposure.

Before WorkSafe commences a secondary enforcement ‘blitz’ during the next 12 months, VACC wants to raise awareness among industry members about compliance requirements to help them meet the required standards.

WorkSafe has now updated and released its new Guidance – Working safely with lead repair radiators. Members can use this quick reference information to familiarise themselves with current requirements, before any WorkSafe blitz.

The Lead Compliance Code (2022 version) contains additional detail.

Contact the VACC OHSE Unit on 03 9829 1138 or 

