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Heavy submission
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Heavy submission

8 December 2023

The Commercial Vehicle Industry Association of Australia (CVIAA) has submitted a response to the National Transport Commission’s Reforms to Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL): Consultation Regulation Impact Statement. This review is a once-in-10-year opportunity to re-evaluate the current law and how it functions in practice.

CVIAA’s response supports a national approach to road transport, but contends the HVNL and its regulations are a community asset and not just a regulatory instrument. With this in mind, CVIAA hopes to see a measurable improvement in the conditions experienced by industry because of law reform.

The response details 14 key recommendations, including the call to establish a National Heavy Vehicle Ombudsman within the HVNL framework to assist with consultation, review and appeal processes.

CVIAA President Clive Polley thanks CVIAA members from across all member states for their contributions. Special thanks goes to Dr Peter Hart for his guidance and specialist expertise in developing this submission.

Read the CVIAA submission.

