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Summer driving
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Summer driving

5 January 2024

School holidays remind me about how we use our vehicles. They get us from A to B but, let’s face it, can cost a lot of money, so let’s get the most out of them…

If you work from home or catch public transport, you may not use your vehicle all that much. That’s fine, but when it’s time to use your vehicle (like now), make sure it’s in safe working order. Here are some simple tricks of the trade.

Keep your vehicle’s battery charged by starting up your vehicle a few times a week and let it idle for 10 minutes. Or perhaps take it for a short run to the shops once a week.

You should also check all tyres for any deflation, and inflate them to the manufacturers’ recommended pressures at the closest service station.

If you are confident, check the condition of your engine’s oil and coolant at the same time.

Conducting these simple procedures should ensure your vehicle is in good working order for the family holiday.

Time and non-use are the enemies of complicated machinery, like vehicles. They need a run to keep things lubricated and operating smoothly. Even if you don’t drive regularly, your vehicle needs to have its oil and fluids changed, as these degrade over time.

It’s best to have a professional check your vehicle for any service and safety issues to ensure it’s in tip-top shape, and that it’s ready to go when you are.

Look for your local VACC member.

Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As published in the Herald Sun 5 January 2024.

