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TACC automotive industry compact
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TACC automotive industry compact

13 October 2023

TACC this week signed an Automotive Industry Skills Compact with the Tasmanian State Government focused on skills, training and workforce development.

Minister for Skills, Training and Workforce Development, Felix Ellis said the Automotive Industry Skills Compact and associated action plan signalled the automotive industry’s commitment to work in partnership with the government for a stronger future.

TACC State Manager Bruce McIntosh said part of the arrangement was to work closer to training providers.

The Premier's Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council 2021 report identifies the industry's critical labour and skills shortages and ways to address these challenges, including improving linkages between trainers and industry, delivering online learning opportunities, and growing the industry through Trade Training Centres.

The latest statistics from the National Centre for Vocational Educational Research show there are more than 1,000 Tasmanians training within in the automotive industry.

