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Out of control
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Out of control

25 September 2023

Here is a timely reminder and a shocking fact in the middle of the Victorian school holiday period.

The number of lives lost on Victorian roads is up 24 per cent over this time last year. Sadly, 214 people so far have lost their life on our roads.

This is a horrifying statistic as we take to the roads these school holidays to visit family or friends.

The number of deaths on our roads is alarming and disturbingly high this year. Rural deaths and drivers over the age of 70 are concerning numbers to say the least.

I have a vision in my head of a ‘wrong way go back sign’. If only we could. So what can we do?

Take the time to check your car, yourself and your surroundings when on the move.

We know regional backroads are badly affected by potholes, so slowing down a little gives you more time to react.

Take a break every two hours when on the road. That’s when you check your phone, send texts and make calls – not in the car when on the move.

Distracted drivers die.  

Don’t take to the road without knowing your vehicle is in good working order. That its tyres, brakes and suspension have been recently checked by a qualified technician. Stay up to date with your servicing.

And why you would get into a vehicle as a driver or passenger and not wear a seatbelt beggars belief. Seatbelts save lives.

Please take care on the roads these school holidays.

Words: VACC CEO Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 22 September 2023.

