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Fuel for thought
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Fuel for thought

15 August 2023

We are all feeling the current economic squeeze. It’s like riding the packed inflationary commuter bus at peak hour. Just breath in. 

There are however some tips aimed at giving you some financial breathing space regarding car running costs in these tough times.  

Smarter fuel shopping is a starting point to give you more affordable range for less. It used to be that Tuesdays and Sundays were the best days to buy petrol. You can circumvent this now by being tech savvy.

Download smartphone apps such as the 7-Eleven app that allows you to lock in the lowest fuel price for a week. Petrol Spy Australia is another smart fuel app and has over 64,000 downloads.  

Staying on top of maintenance is a way to save in the long run. Be wary of cutting corners on maintenance as unexpected costs my come to haunt you later. 

Keep your tyres up to recommended pressures and get them rotated at service intervals.

Look to big ticket items such as finance and insurance. Refinancing your car loan can potentially save you hundreds if not thousands in the long run. And taking an annual forensic inspection of your insurance renewal notice and shopping around for quotes is a prudent practice. 

Remove roof racks and roof storage boxes when not needed, not to mention towbars and the unnecessary clutter that has accumulated in your car.

Driving smarter and not harder puts less stress on your car, reducing fuel, tyre wear and extending brake life. It might just save you a speeding fine.  

As a last act of selfless sacrifice, you could also consider… carpooling. Yes, tough times call for tough measures. 

Words: VACC CEO Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 11 August 2023

