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CVIAA collaborates with NHVR to obtain extension for new tipper design code implementation
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CVIAA collaborates with NHVR to obtain extension for new tipper design code implementation

9 August 2023

Further to the bulletin issued to members of the Commercial Vehicle Industry Association of Australia (CVIAA) on 3 August with regards to Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6 (VSB6), Version 3.2 which saw the implementation of the J4 Tipper Modification Code, VACC can advise that it has been informed by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) that an extension to implementation to the new tipper design code has been granted.

The CVIAA specifically sought an extension to the original date of 1 July as far back as 7 June 2023 when members flagged concerns with CVIAA regarding the transitional arrangements in place.

What has been the outcome?

Following further review and consultation, the NHVR will now extend the transitional arrangements for the implementation of the new design code to 1 February 2024. You can view the NHVR communication to industry by taking this link.

How to apply for an extension

NHVR requests that owners and modifiers that require the extension to February 2024, to apply to the NHVR for the extension so that NHVR can monitor how industry is progressing as well as target any future communications.

To apply to for an extension of the implementation of the J4 tipper body design code, please email with your request including your name and business name and estimated number of tipper body certifications over this period.


CVIAA thanks those members who provided the evidence-based portfolios that enabled this change to take effect and acknowledges the efforts of MTAA CEO Geff Gwilym in obtaining this successful outcome on behalf of CVIAA members.

CVIAA also acknowledges the willingness of Peter Austin and Michael Ross at the NHVR for always being prepared to engage with industry. It is appreciated.

Michael McKenna MBA MBLaw
Industry Policy Advisor


