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Our tips for safe trailer towing
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Our tips for safe trailer towing

VACC has created a list of tips on how to be careful when towing a trailer. In our previous post, we talked about tips to check before you drive off, today’s post we have collated tips on how to drive whilst towing a trailer.

Driving safely with a trailer:

  1. Weather conditions can affect how you drive when towing a trailer. Ensure you pay attention to how the weather is behaving and adjust your driving accordingly. As you are driving, check the trees on the side of the road as you are going past, to see which direction the wind is blowing from. The wind direction, will affect your driving responses, especially with towing trailer. For example, if you are experiencing a head wind your car will be working a lot harder as it must fight against the wind as well as the trailer, which will slow you down. If you experience a cross wind, make sure you slow down so that your trailer doesn’t get blown off the road.

Rain is another key weather element that you should pay attention to, if the roads are wet and slippery then this will dictate your braking capacity especially with towing a trailer, allow yourself extra space under these conditions.

  1. Extra room between vehicles is essential to allow for extra braking and acceleration time when towing a trailer.  As you are ascending hills your acceleration time will take longer under the weight of the trailer. As you are descending the hill ensure you choose a lower gear to make it down safely so that your brakes aren’t having to work so hard.
  2. Reversing a trailer into position can be quite difficult, as you need to react in the opposite direction to how you would normally turn. When reversing a trailer, it is best to start off with the trailer and vehicle in a straight line then slowly reverse back, if you need to merge the trailer to the left then you need to turn you steering wheel to the right. 

A great idea is to practice reversing a trailer at home, to gain an understanding to how the trailer reacts when you turn the steering wheel in either direction.

  1. When your car is towing an extra load, it is putting extra strain on the motor so keep an eye on your temperature gauge and pull over if it starts to heat up too much.
  2. Have courtesy to other drivers, towing a load will mean you need to go a little slower, so why not just pull over in the slow vehicle turn outs and let other drivers pass- this will keep everyone happy and minimise stress for all road users.

The above tips are suitable for all types of towing, whether it be a trailer, caravan or even a horse float.

If something does happen to you whilst you are out on the road, one of our VACC members can help!

Click here to find the VACC member near you.

