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Getting your fill
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Getting your fill

26 May 2023

Now, I’ve been working in automotive in some way, shape, or form since I was pretty young. But, no matter how long I’ve been within the industry, there are days when I’m surprised by what I don’t know.

For instance, I was recently driving a rental car and on the way to returning it at the airport I stopped into a service station to fill it up with petrol. 

But I had a problem.

I was in a long line waiting my turn at the bowser when I realised I didn’t know which side of the car the fuel filler was on. 

I looked in my mirrors but couldn’t see. So, I took a gamble on the right-hand side. 


I learned a lesson. But it was an easy enough mistake to make, and the fact I was on a deadline with a plane to catch didn’t help matters.

When I mentioned this to my local TACC mechanic, he told me something I should probably have already known...

I’ll pass this little gem on to you too – learn from my mistake: The next time you’re in your car – or most likely, someone else’s car – take a peek at the fuel gauge on the dashboard and, in most instances, you’ll notice a small arrow positioned on it, next to the bowser symbol. 

The direction of this arrow indicates on which side the fuel filler is located.  

Heading into the weekend, I’d bet I am not the only one contemplating a bit of a roadtrip. So this advice is timely.

It’s no big deal, but could mean the difference between a good day or a bad one, and will save you time and the embarrassment of performing a three-point turn at the servo. 

You’re welcome.

Words: TACC State Manager Bruce McIntosh. As featured in the Mercury on 26 May 2023.

