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Our new fleet
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Our new fleet

17 February 2023

The types and pricing of new electric vehicles (EVs) heading to Australia in 2023 were hot topics during the recent holiday period and continue to be into the new year.

More brands and models in the mix indicate that global manufacturers are aware of the Australian Government’s intentions to transition its car fleet (with an ambitious zero and low-emission vehicles policy agenda claiming 89 per cent of new car sales will be electric by 2030) – and, consequently, they are likely getting ahead of any new rules around vehicle emissions standards that may be introduced.  

However, the challenge that still faces the government, manufacturers and consumers, centres around the difference in pricing between EVs and equivalent internal combustion engine vehicles.
This year will see the Australian Government’s response to the National Electric Vehicle Strategy discussion paper – released in 2022 – which sought inputs from industry and the public on plans to improve the uptake and affordability of electric vehicles.  

Most challenging for the government will be achieving a balance between incentivising consumers to get into EVs and other zero-emission vehicles, without squeezing them out of their current vehicles through penalty policies.  

Vehicle purchasers (like you and me) understand the direction and messaging around fuel emissions and the environment, but it should be understood that Australians have purchased their cars based on a range of factors, including cost and utility.  

A plan for the future will need broad appeal across all sectors of the community, and with more carrot than stick…

Words: TACC State Manager Bruce McIntosh. As featured in the Mercury on 17 February 2023.

