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Talking tyres
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Talking tyres

3 February 2023

When was the last time you inspected your tyres for wear and damage? Can’t remember? We don’t blame you, it’s something drivers often take for granted.

With the help of TACC’s tyre dealer members, I’ve put together four useful tips to update you on the ABCs of tyres. 

Give these a shot, and you’ll be better equipped to anticipate tyre problems before they occur.

Check tyre pressures regularly: Tyres will lose air pressure over time and it’s imperative that you check them often. Driving with incorrectly inflated tyres is dangerous as it affects the handling and directional stability of your car.

Check for tyre baldness (tread depth): When it comes to tyres, bald isn’t beautiful. In fact, it’s dangerous to drive around with little tread. Bald tyres contribute to not stopping in time and it’s the first thing a random roadside inspection will spot!

Rotate your tyres to prevent uneven wear: Your front and rear tyres wear differently. For example, the front tyres tend to carry most of your car’s weight and will generally wear down faster. By rotating your tyres, you’ll not only ensure yourself a smoother and safer ride, but you’ll also save some money by prolonging the life of your tyres.

Don’t be stingy, replace your tyres when required: Tyres often get overlooked, but they are one of – if not the most important – purchases a car owner makes. Manufacturers spend millions designing, testing and validating them for a reason. 

Quality tyres, fitted correctly, will only improve car safety and handling. So, look for the orange sign when you next need to check yours!

Tyres are important, and there’s a lot to that strip of rubber. Remember that next time you are on the road.

Words: TACC State Manager Bruce McIntosh. As featured in the Mercury on 3 February 2023.

