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Regulated protections
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Regulated protections

6 January 2023

Part of our duties here at the Tasmanian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (TACC) is taking calls from consumers who have purchased a used vehicle. 

Trust me, I get plenty and they’re never calling about how well it’s going, or how smooth the purchase process has been.

TACC doesn’t provide legal advice on consumer matters, but we will always listen and provide a tip or two on how you might work your way out of a pickle.
It’s always easier to handle consumer calls when the purchase has been through a licensed car dealer – sometimes called an LMVT – as opposed to a private seller. A dealer has a commercial interest in keeping their customers happy. A private seller, well, they have your money.

Consistently, the discussion comes down to roadworthiness. In Tasmania, we don’t have a mandatory road inspection regulation when you buy a used vehicle. 

Unless the purchaser wants to pay for a roadworthy inspection before purchase, you’re on your own. 

Is that right? Not in my books. 

I feel for the person who has saved hard for the car, then buys without doing due diligence and ends up either out of pocket or without safe and reliable transport.

There are so many social responsibilities at stake when buying a used vehicle, even your insurance policy states – ‘must be in roadworthy condition’.  

When will the Tasmanian Government provide the seller and purchaser the protections they need?

Doing so will allow people to buy vehicles with confidence because they have received an inspection and, if necessary, repairs, to ensure their roadworthy condition.

I hope we get there soon.

As featured in the Mercury Friday 6 January 2023.

