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Fully Charged: Election takeaways
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Fully Charged: Election takeaways

2 December 2022

So, we have re-elected the Andrews Labor Government.

It was Victorians’ once-in-four-year chance to have a say in who runs the place. And, wow, did they have their say.

It’s early days since the win, but the Andrews government needs to get its priorities in order.

VACC has already put its cards on the table with its state election manifesto, Fully Charged. The document calls for the implementation of 27 recommendations that will make a difference to Victoria’s 19,000 automotive businesses and the 110,000 Victorians working in them. Not to mention Victoria’s 4.5 million or so motorists.

The most urgent action is to address critical labour shortages across all sectors of the industry. 

The new state government also needs to:

  • Create a comprehensive zero and low-emissions vehicle (ZLEV) strategy
  • Instigate a three-year apprentice wage subsidy program for employers
  • Introduce a three-year apprentice mentoring program to improve retention rates
  • Invest in sustainable waste recycling and renewable energy facilities
  • Raise Victoria’s payroll tax threshold to $1.2 million per annum
  • Implement an annual roadworthy requirement for vehicles aged eight years and over.

If the new Victorian government gets these policies in place, it will shore up an $11 billion sector. 

And we’ll be there to keep the government accountable.

It’s worth checking out Fully Charged. The recommendations are based on the feedback of Victorian business owners. To drive change, we need to have a clear understanding of what the industry and Victoria needs to thrive.

Read: Fully Charged.

Words: VACC CEO Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun on 2 December 2022.

