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VADA and Autotrader discuss online classifieds
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VADA and Autotrader discuss online classifieds

7 October 2022

Pictured with VADA Chair, Sid Cetindag (right) and VADA Secretariat Michael McKenna (left) is Managing Director Publisher The Market Herald, Jag Sanger, and Autotrader Head of Dealer Market Place, Saxon Odgers 

The Victorian Automotive Dealer Association (VADA) Executive Committee seeks efficient and equitable processes that will enable Victorian dealers to achieve maximum return on investment for dealership online spending. To further this plan, the Committee invited Autotrader to address attendees at the October VADA meeting.

Key discussion topics included the necessity for dealers to revisit the way they advertise stock in the online arena, and to keep in mind who owns the generated data. VADA seeks the implementation of a simple, low-cost process that is effective and results in a win-win-win for the advertiser, dealer and consumer.

Autotrader has committed to working with VADA and the wider VACC licensed motor car trader cohort to identify and implement such a process.

Dealers, dealership owners and dealership CFOs must remain on top of where online advertising spend goes, and how much they spend per month.
