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VACC/TACC Family Hospital Accommodation Grant Scheme
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VACC/TACC Family Hospital Accommodation Grant Scheme

29 July 2022

The Chamber constitution recognises the association’s responsibility to support charitable endeavours – particularly those within automotive and allied industries  – and now the VACC Executive Board has decided to use resources to support members directly.

Following a significant analysis of Chamber charitable work, the VACC Executive Board will establish the VACC/TACC Family Hospital Accommodation Grant Scheme.

The scheme aims to support members, or their immediate families (partners, children and parents), if they are admitted to the hospital and struggle to afford necessities such as nearby accommodation.

All VACC/TACC members and their immediate family members will be eligible to apply, and the Scheme will be administered by the VACC Executive Board.

Members will be kept up-to-date on scheme progress, details and eventual launch date. 

