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Level trading condition for all automotive repairers starts today
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Level trading condition for all automotive repairers starts today

1 July 2022

Australia’s independent workshops begin a new era with the introduction of the Motor Vehicle Information Scheme (MVIS), which begins today.

From 1 July, a new level playing field exists in the automotive service and repair industry, and consumers will now enjoy genuine choice of repairer. 

The law now requires vehicle manufacturers to provide service and repair information to independent repairers at fair market rates.

“This is great news for independent repairers. They will no longer have to bend over backwards trying to source key information or vehicle data. It will be at their fingertips. So, no more unnecessary delays,” said VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym.

Responsibility for the scheme’s operation sits with the Australian Automotive Service and Repair Authority (AASRA), which repairers can join via subscription from $90 (plus GST) for one user per year.

“As the vehicle fleet has become increasingly complex, having access to timely and accurate repair and service information has become a necessity. Thankfully, that is now a reality for thousands of independent workshops,” said Mr Gwilym.

AASRA provides one location to access all participating manufacturer data, which covers 90 per cent of the vehicles currently sold in Australia. Brands not in the scheme provide access to technical information via proprietary portals. AASRA also provides a help desk to source any missing information.

“Industry peak bodies, like VACC, have been pushing for this basic right on behalf of independent repairers for years. Some thought it would never happen. So, this is a great day,” said Mr Gwilym.


For more information or to purchase an AASRA subscription, go to

