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Tech info sharing

1 July 2022

From 1 July this year, car manufacturers and other automotive data providers will be required by law to share motor vehicle service and repair information with independent repairers and registered training organisations at a fair market price. 

Thought that was already a given? Think again.

Now, it’s obvious why this is a big deal for independent repairers, but what’s in it for motorists? 

Well, for starters they will likely get their serviced or repaired car back sooner. 

Independent repairers will no longer have to bend over backwards trying to source key information or vehicle data. It will be at their fingertips. So, no more unnecessary delays.

Did you know that 70 per cent of the vehicle repairs done in Australia are performed by independent repairers? 

Well, it’s true. And up until now, your local independent mechanic has not been on the same playing field as car manufacturers and their affiliated repairers. 

That is where the implementation of the data-sharing scheme will really benefit motorists – they are already going there! And now they are going to get an even better experience.

Industry peak bodies like TACC and its Victorian counterpart, VACC, have been pushing for this basic right on behalf of independent repairers for years. Some thought it would never happen. 

And to make sure it’s done right, the Australian Automotive Service and Repair Authority has been formed. It’s an industry-based, not-for-profit organisation made up of peak body representatives. 

At this time, the scheme only covers passenger and light commercial vehicles manufactured after 1 January 2002 so there’s still work to do. 

There’s no denying this change is a huge step in the right direction.

Words: TACC State Manager, Bruce McIntosh. As featured in The Mercury 1 July 2022.

