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Lemon car ombudsman call leaves sour taste for motorists
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Lemon car ombudsman call leaves sour taste for motorists

16 June 2022

The call for a lemon car ombudsman is a waste of government funds, says the Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC). 

With resources already in place to support motorists’ rights the money required to establish the position should be directed elsewhere.

“Less than three per cent of queries recorded by Consumer Affairs Victoria relate to automotive retail, according to recent VACC research,” said VACC CEO Geoff Gwilym.

The comment comes in response to Consumer Action Law Centre (CALC) and WEstjustice Western Community Legal Centre calling for government commitment to implement a lemon car ombudsman in 2023, ahead of the upcoming Victorian election in November.

“If the industry or consumers or both are levied to provide yet another consumer complaints service, it would eventually amount to another motorist cost,” said Mr Gwilym.

“The proponents of a lemon car ombudsman state more than 3000 vehicle complaints are received by Consumer Affairs Victoria each year. But how many are valid?”         

The Chamber makes a genuine offer to work with CALC and government to identify and eradicate the consumer detriment associated with purchasing motor vehicles from private sellers. 

“VACC urges consumer advocacy bodies that insist on creating more red tape to engage the hundreds of thousands of consumers who have had a positive car-buying experience from a Licensed Motor Car Trader (LMCT). They might be surprised,” said Mr Gwilym.  

More information on consumer rights under Australian Consumer Law and the benefits of purchasing motor vehicles from Victorian Licensed Motor Car Traders can be found at


