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Your car, your choice
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Your car, your choice

24 June 2022

Do you have it or not?

Can you choose where to have your vehicle repaired in the event of an accident? 

I reckon I’m on safe ground in suggesting you don’t know the answer.

Do you read your vehicle insurance Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) each year at renewal time? 

I bet you don’t. Can’t blame you. 

An insurance PDS is hardly riveting reading, and there’s plenty of fine print that’s tedious to wade through. 

And yet, it’s extremely important that you know what you’re paying for.

Having choice of repairer is a fundamental right. It’s your vehicle. You are paying good money for your insurance policy. So, you should be allowed to have your vehicle repaired by the business of your choosing.

You may not have a strong opinion on who repairs your vehicle, and that’s fine. 

But plenty of people do. 

Some motorists have an ongoing relationship with a panel repair shop they rely on and trust – I know this is the case for many VACC member-businesses. 

Some people, particularly in regional areas, are passionate about supporting local businesses. And some owners of collectable and classic vehicles only want to take their pride and joy to a marque specialist. 

All these are legitimate reasons to want choice of repairer.

So, when it comes to renewing your vehicle insurance cover, take the time to ask if you have choice of repairer. 

If you do not, go to an insurer who does offer it.

On our end, the Chamber is working to spread the word about choice of repairer, and running initiatives to help educate and empower motorists. 

Visit for more information. 

Knowledge is power after all.

Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym.

Share your thoughts! E: As featured in the Herald Sun Friday 24 June 2022.

