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Wheels turning
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Wheels turning

17 June 2022

Environmental focus

Last month we voted in a new Australian Government. From an automotive perspective, we had some momentum going with the last leadership when it came to environmental initiatives, so I’m interested to see what happens next. 

For starters, we need to get a genuine End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) program off the ground. 

Such an initiative is in the best interests of all Australians.

When you picked out your last vehicle, did its final resting place ever cross your mind? 

Perhaps not. 

That’s understandable – at the time, it seems so far down the track.

In our society, sustainability – of our food, home and lifestyle products and so on – has become a front-of-mind issue. 

That’s great. But our government needs to make changes to ensure that bigger assets, like our cars, get the same treatment.

Thanks to $1 million of government funding announced earlier this year, the wheels are in motion. 

After 13 years of lobbying, the grant really was a watershed moment for our industry. 

The aim now is to use these funds to develop a practical and sustainable business plan that draws on the learnings from overseas and matches the specific demands of the Australian marketplace. 

The end game? 

The 700,000 vehicles leaving our roads annually will be recycled. That includes components such as textiles, plastics and electronics.

We have the tools to build a plan, but our country’s leaders must continue to capitalise on the insights our automotive industry can offer and support the initiative and roll-out. 
Industry and government need to work together to keep our country moving in the right direction.

Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym.

Share your thoughts! E: As featured in the Herald Sun Friday 17 June 2022.

