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Fuel misery
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Fuel misery

10 June 2022

So, you are facing the dreaded on-the-way-to-work low-fuel-dilemma or, alternatively, you rock up to a service station after a hard day at the office.

Cars pack the forecourt. It’s raining and you’re distracted as you drive up to the first free bowser. There’s no driveway attendant, so you just grab the nozzle and start pumping. 

Next minute you realise – it’s the wrong fuel in your car.

Diesel into a petrol engine car or vice versa, it’s every driver’s worst nightmare.

Hopefully, this doesn’t happen to you. But if it does, stay calm and whatever you do, do not get in your vehicle and start the engine.

Far smarter people than I design engines to run on certain types of fuel. If the wrong fuel goes in and the engine is run, catastrophe will shortly ensue. Make no mistake, this will involve an expensive repair.

So, if you find yourself in this embarrassing situation, tell the console operator straight away then seek help to push your car to a safe place on the edge of the service station forecourt and wait for your chosen mechanical professional to arrive.

Arranging for an automotive repair professional to safely drain your fuel tank and responsibly dispose of the contaminated fuel is an absolute must.

Alternatively, you may need a tow to a TACC workshop. Remember, not all roadside locations provide a safe or practical environment to make a rectification.

Once the cleanup operation has been carried out, you can then fill up your car’s tank – with the correct fuel this time – and be on your way.

This is a costly mistake, but not as costly as driving off and waiting for your vehicle to fail. 

Happy motoring and, remember, TACC members are only a phone call away.

Words: TACC State Manager, Bruce McIntosh. As featured in The Mercury 10 June 2022.

