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Industry secures End-of-Life Vehicle funding
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Industry secures End-of-Life Vehicle funding

11 April 2022

The 700,000 vehicles leaving Australian roads annually will be recycled – rather than destined for landfill – thanks to new government funding and the advocacy efforts of the Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC) and its national body, the Motor Trades Association of Australia (MTAA).

The Australian Government has awarded a $1 million grant, provided under the umbrella of the National Product Stewardship Fund, to the MTAA and the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries (FCAI) to progress an End-Of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Product Stewardship program.

Announcing the grant, Assistant Minister for Waste Reduction and Environmental Management Trevor Evans said that the support will ensure that more components – such as textiles, plastics, and electronic components – can be recycled.

“This is a watershed moment for our industry,” said VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym.

The result of thirteen years of VACC and MTAA lobbying efforts for proper ELV disposal in Australia, the grant will support the automotive industry in the development of a business plan to best manage the end-of-life waste streams generated from the hundreds of thousands of vehicles reaching the end of their life cycle each year.

“Members of the dismantling industry and car manufacturers will see a sensible and cost-effective road map in place to deal with the over 700,000 cars coming off our roads annually. This has been a missing piece in the transition of our industry to an electric vehicle dominant market," said Mr Gwilym.

A critical element will be to create a practical and sustainable business plan that draws on the learnings from overseas ELV programs and matches the specific business and commercial demands of the Australian marketplace.

“MTAA will collaborate with FCAI in this important project, building on the work of VACC’s Automotive Dismantlers and Recyclers Division over the years.

“As FCAI is the peak national body representing product and vehicle manufacturers, it will act as the lead partner and oversee the study, grant, and reporting,” said VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym.

MTAA and its member constituents will have an integral role in this initiative and will provide studies and industry expertise, and facilitate international collaboration.

FCAI and MTAA concluded a formal agreement with the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources late last year and work has already begun on the project which is expected to be completed by the end of  2023.


