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Automotive calls for a REVolution
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Automotive calls for a REVolution

18 February 2022

The next Federal Government must action the key priorities outlined by peak automotive bodies to ensure the industry can continue to employ 380,000 Australians nationally and assist motorists in the transition to a zero and low emission vehicle fleet.

The Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC) has launched its federal election manifesto, REVolution: The automotive industry’s policy priorities for the next Australian Government, which calls on the next Federal Government to implement 35 recommendations that will make a real difference to Australian voters. 

The recommendations will see the next Federal Government: 

  • Boost apprentice support
  • Improve the eligibility for employers to sponsor skilled migrants
  • Ensure all automotive retailers are eligible for any future Federal Government subsidies related to pandemic or state of emergency relief payments
  • Take a leadership role in implementing a national Zero and Low Emission Vehicle (ZLEV) policy in collaboration with the automotive retail industry
  • Increase investment and research in an industry-led and federally funded national program aimed at the proper disposal of End-of-Life Vehicles.

“There’s more to do, of course, but if the next Australian Government gets these policies quickly into place it will shore up a $40 billion sector. That’s good for every Australian,” says VACC CEO 
Geoff Gwilym.

Critically, the election manifesto will inform the government as it considers the implications of a changing automotive landscape – urban infrastructure, skill requirements and government revenue streams, all of which require forward planning and policy debate.

“Automotive employs 380,000 people nationally within 72,521 businesses, most of which are small and family-owned. The next Federal Government needs to take advantage of industry insight and resources as it lays out its policy intentions,” said Mr Gwilym.

The automotive industry is a fundamental component of a well-functioning economy, and it is at a critical juncture. With the emergence of ZLEVs and a long-standing skills shortage, industry and government must work together to keep Australia moving.


Download the 2022 VACC Federal election manifesto REVolution: The automotive industry’s policy priorities for the next Australian Government.

