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VACC welcomes new AADA Chair
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VACC welcomes new AADA Chair

16 November 2021

David Blackhall has taken the reins as the Australian Automotive Dealer Association’s (AADA) new Chairman, an appointment welcomed by the Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce (VACC) and the Victorian Automobile Dealers Association (VADA).

“There is no doubt David has an innate ability to drill down on issues, and how to best serve Australia’s dealers. We look forward to collaborating with David around the VADA meeting table in the not-too-distant future,” said VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym.

As Australian dealers continue to navigate sector challenges – and campaign for better automotive franchising regulations – Mr Blackhall’s election is a vote of confidence from the industry, in his ability to engage positively with government and industry, while upholding the association’s vision and values.

Mr Blackhall brings a wealth of experience to the role after a long and successful career in the automotive industry, including his tenure as CEO of the AADA – during which time he worked closely with Mr Gwilym.

 VACC and VADA acknowledge outgoing Chairman, Terry Keating’s achievements, which include reforms to automotive franchising laws and the reversal of plans to allow for parallel imports of new vehicles, during his six years guiding AADA.

“Terry Keating came into the AADA Chair’s role at a delicate time and was a major instigator in establishing positive and collaborative dialogue between VADA and AADA. All dealers have benefitted from this approach. I thank him on behalf of VADA’s 640 dealer members and wish him the best,” said Mr Gwilym.

The AADA Board elected the new Chairman and Mr Blackhall commenced his duties as an independent director following the 2021 AADA Annual General Meeting.


