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Selling your vehicle?
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Selling your vehicle?

21 October 2021

Don’t get taken for a ride

I recently saw VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym on the telly talking about a car theft.

Unfortunately, it’s a bit of a trend. The story goes like this: a private seller allowed someone to test drive their $50K car. Problem was the ‘buyer’ decided to keep driving off into the sunset. 

The supposed buyer arrived at the seller’s house in a stolen car and left it outside on the street.

That’s a great way to comfort someone. I mean, they’ll be right back to collect it won’t they?

Afraid not.

Not surprisingly, the thief insisted they should drive the seller’s car alone. In these COVID times it’s likely the vehicle owner considered safe distancing and handed over the keys. They never saw the keys or the car again.

The stolen car was probably the same model, colour, and build-year as a similar car and therefore perfect to rebirth. The stolen car could also have been stripped and used for second-hand parts, or maybe a criminal gang shipped the entire vehicle overseas. 

We call this theft to order, and private sellers like you and me are vulnerable. So, let no one test drive your car without you being in the passenger’s seat. 

This isn’t just to ensure the ‘buyer’ doesn’t nick off, but guarantees their mates aren’t hopping in around the corner to take your motor for the biggest fang of its life. Remember Ferris Bueller? 

It's also not a bad idea to take a photo of their licence.

To be safe, use a Licenced Motor Car Trader (LMCT) who must meet regulatory requirements to trade. 

LMCTs check a car has clear title, hasn’t been rebirthed, or have security registered against it, and you benefit from a cooling-off period.  

Unfortunately, the car owner in this story has had cover refused by their insurance company. So, they must rely on vision from their home security camera to track down the crook. 

I have bought and sold so many cars and motorcycles over the years, and I count myself lucky I haven’t been caught out. Make sure you don’t either. 

Stay well and see ya on the road folks.

Words: VACC ambassador Shane Jacobson.


