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Transport conundrum
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Transport conundrum

8 October 2021

What's the plan?

Infrastructure Victoria – regarded as an independent, non-political think tank – has delivered it’s 2021 - 2051 strategy paper.

Key themes are road user charging – the more you drive, the more you pay – congestion and parking charges in metropolitan areas, and the end to new petrol and diesel car sales by 2035. 

The recommendations extend to the creation of additional rail lines, including a reconfiguration of the City Rail Loop, improving rail services in Melbourne’s western and northern growth areas, and the outer metropolitan rail corridor. 

Significant road and tram network additions also feature, as does the recommendation to guide people toward alternative forms of personal transport, such as bicycles and electric mobility.

The Victorian Government will now consider the document – and all 94 recommendations  – and put the insights to good use when drafting up a new state Infrastructure Plan, due for release in the next 12 months.  

I wonder what it will take to get people out of their vehicles – still the most COVID safe option when getting from A to B, not to mention something we have spent 120 years getting comfortable with...

Will the lure of a cheaper bus ticket or an electric scooter be enough to change the way we move?

Only if it’s convenient. That’s the crux of the matter – along with accessibility and safety.

The reality is, as long as the next train is still 40 minutes away, the bus stop is a half-hour walk or catching the tram means waiting on a dark road, people will continue to say, “No, thanks”. And can I blame them?

Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym.

Share your thoughts! E: As featured in the Herald Sun 8 October 2021.

