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Small business
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Small business

25 June 2021

Why it’s so vital

When we waved off 2020 – with no fireworks and some bitterness in our hearts – many thought we had seen the beginning of the end for COVID-19.

No one could have predicted at the time that Victorians would endure yet another two lockdowns in the first half of 2021.

But we have.

I speak regularly with Victorian small and medium-sized business owners, not only in automotive but in hospitality, retail, and training.

What they tell me is frankly heart-breaking. At every turn the dreams and hard work of resourceful and adventurous people are in ruin.

This has brought home to me just how important small and medium-sized enterprises really are to this state.

Victorians are experiencing this firsthand right now.

Restaurants and entertainment complexes are re-opening after the recent circuit-breaker lockdown, but many of their chefs and waiters and reception staff are still unemployed or under-employed. The same goes for taxi operators, gymnasium staff, and hairdressers, and lots more.

Entire industries, like travel and accommodation limp on, if they still exist.

The automotive industry has been badly hit too, but the signs are promising for a recovery. The purchasing of new cars and motorcycles slowed right down, but now we are trending for a solid sales year. People put off fixing their cracked windscreen or replacing a bald tyre. Thankfully, motorists are getting around to proper vehicle maintenance.

I completely understand that it has been a difficult 2021 for many vehicle owners. But I do urge safety first. If your vehicle needs repair, get it fixed.

Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 25 June 2021

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