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QR code clarification
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QR code clarification

29 April 2021

When it comes to keeping Victorians safe and businesses open, record keeping continues to play a pivotal role. The need for accurate contact information – and in a timely manner – is vital if someone is thought to have visited a listed COVID-19 public exposure site.

In the media, there has been a lot of campaigning around the new Victorian Government QR Code Service and where and when it is required to be in place. With the exception of those operating a food and drink facility – such as a café, restaurant, fast-food store – automotive businesses have not been mandated to implement the system.

While it is still a requirement to keep a record of all workers and visitors who attend a work premises for longer than 15 minutes, Chamber members can continue to choose how they manage this requirement. They may keep a paper-based Workplace Attendance Register, or volunteer to implement the government QR code system. 

Members are also reminded that they must maintain their business CovidSafe Plan, as this is a requirement of all Victorian workplaces and will likely remain in place for the foreseeable future.

Members are encouraged to contact the VACC OHSE Unit for more information or assistance.

Read related VACC OHSE Unit Bulletin: QR Codes – Which businesses must have them?

