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Opportunity post-pandemic
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Opportunity post-pandemic

14 May 2021

There is job demand

Has COVID-19 taught us anything about the value of traditional trades? I am talking about your local mechanic and panel beater, among others.

As we emerge from the pandemic fog, it is becoming all too clear that some positions were able to remain largely sustained throughout the crisis.

These jobs – including the roles I just mentioned – provided essential services during lockdown.

Other occupations suffered, and badly.

For example, the entire hospitality sector was hard hit. It was an incredibly difficult time, and continues to be, for such industries. And as a nation, we are learning from the experience and attempting to rebuild.

Australians are re-adjusting and revaluating their lives – including their career choices. I see this as the silver-lining of an otherwise devastating past 12 months.

So, if some industries, including automotive, are suffering from chronic skills shortages – doesn’t it just make sense to take advantage of opportunity?

We must adapt accordingly to this new world and fill the jobs that are available.

For many people, apprenticeships – including mature-aged – are a fantastic career choice.

Trade apprentices get paid while they learn and graduate with transferable skills that are at little risk of becoming obsolete. That is a great thing to rely upon, especially in times like these. 

In terms of vacant positions across Australia, the number currently sits at 31,143 – that’s only the automotive industry! – and there are plenty of unemployed, under-employed, and people in dead-end jobs that could fill them.

Let’s not forget, lots of successful business owners started off as apprentices. It’s time we reconsidered trades.

Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 14 May 2021.

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