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Industry associations
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Industry associations

21 August 2020

­What are we here for?

Back in the day, as people formalised the division of labour, they began to associate within like-minded groups, to share information and support each other.

Ever since then there have been associations. There are associations for just about everything – hairdressing, building, optometry – and they play a very important role in society.

The Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC) is the peak association for the automotive industry in Victoria (and Tasmania). Our members are business owners: vehicle and tyre dealers, mechanical and body repairers, body builders, windscreen repairers, vehicle restorers – everything automotive.

VACC’s role is to advance the industry and we do this by acting as voice for those working within it. Almost weekly I meet with politicians and regulators, letting them know how their policy affects real people, who work in your neighbourhood and employ locals.

VACC also provides trusted information to help people run better businesses, and this is likely to positively impact you, their customer.

VACC has a team of experienced professionals that provide technical information, workplace relations advice, OHS&E guidance, and more.

One of the things VACC does, for which I am most proud, is employ around 500 apprentices. We select, place, and mentor these young people to ensure there is labour to sell, service and repair the vehicles of the future.  

It’s all important work that keeps the economy moving and people employed, and we could use more of that right now.

Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 21 August 2020.

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