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Coronavirus: Government provides further clarity
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Coronavirus: Government provides further clarity

6 August 2020

Update: Members are advised to rely on the most recent news stories and Bulletins only, as government advice and regulations will continue to change as the COVID-19 situation develops. The advice below was correct at the time of publication.

On Wednesday, 5 August 11:59pm the Victorian Government made changes to its Stage 4 COVID Restrictions advice.

These changes heightened concerns VACC raised in respect to the scope of work members could undertake in the service, repair and sale of vehicles. Urgent clarification on these changes was sought and a meeting with government was held this afternoon.

Subsequent to the meeting, the following advice was received from government:

We can confirm that only services covering essential and critical 'vehicle repair, servicing and maintenance' are permitted to open for on-site work with a COVID Safe Plan in place.

This does not include routine servicing, however, would include urgent recalls.

In regard to the collection of cars, retailers are able to work onsite only for the purposes of fulfilling existing and online orders. For further guidance for Transport, Postal and Warehousing sector business under Melbourne's Stage 4 restrictions including how to create a COVID Safe Plan, see Business Victoria’s website.

Ultimately, this advice provides much needed clarity to industry and reduces the potential for a member to be exposed to onerous penalties for inadvertently misinterpreting the rules.

Members should not overlook the capacity to engage in work to support Permitted Businesses and to engage in work on any other vehicles where it is essential or critical, including where required to maintain the health and safety of Victorians at home or at work. VACC interprets this to not include routine, scheduled or log book servicing.

This advice takes precedence over previous VACC communications on this specific matter.

Regional Victoria remains under Stage 3 conditions which, broadly, means business as usual as long as operations adhere to all government safety guidelines. 

