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Banning 'cash for scrap' a step in the right direction: VACC

December 7, 2016

Melbourne, 7 December – The Victorian State Government’s decision to legislate against cash payments for scrap vehicles is a sound move that will protect Victorians’ personal and property safety, says the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC).

VACC has fought to have this policy adopted by government for the benefit of legitimate vehicle recyclers and for the improved protection of the public.

According to the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC), Victoria is the vehicle theft capital of Australia, with incidence of that crime having risen by 34 percent over the past 12 months. A key factor in this trend is the fact that stealing vehicles and delivering them for cash payments has been paying well for the criminals involved.

“Victoria has been experiencing a crime wave of violent carjackings and home invasions in order to steal vehicle keys, with the intention of then stealing vehicles, many of which are stripped down or scrapped by illegal operators. This has been turbocharged because it has been a relatively easy crime to perpetrate and it paid handsomely, with no possibility of tracing the illegal exchange,” said VACC Executive Director, Geoff Gwilym.

According to the NMVTRC’s latest figures, 347 vehicles are stolen every week in Victoria. Of those, 97 vehicles are never seen again. Legislating against cash payments for scrap vehicles and/or vehicle parts will make this type of crime less attractive.

“Vehicles in Victoria are often stolen to order and delivered to unscrupulous ‘businesses’ in exchange for cash payments. From there, the vehicles disappear, often overseas, and authorities have no ability to trace the crime.”

Mr Gwilym said that the Andrews Government’s announcement today would make it much less attractive for this criminal activity to continue to occur.

“VACC congratulates the Andrews Government on this sound policy announcement, which will be very meaningful to all Victorians. Hopefully, law abiding citizens will now feel, and be, safer in their communities as, of course, they should be,” said Mr Gwilym.

Source: National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council


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