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Tough times ahead
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Tough times ahead

15 May 2020

Look after yourself, look after your car

The current Coronavirus situation is putting a lot of pressure on households, and this extends to managing the normal round of bills that keep arriving. 

History has shown that things tighten up economically in situations like this. And in those instances car maintenance – and more specifically its regular servicing – can take a back seat and in some cases not get done at all. 

There are some major risks here and not least of which is the safety of the vehicle and other road-users.

It’s too easy to get used to the fact that the brakes feel fine even though the car is well over its service period. However, the condition of the brake fluid, the amount of braking friction that can be generated and a lack of observation around the condition of the brake assembly is all a recipe for disaster.  

Tyres are another classic example: sometimes their condition can be ‘out of sight, out of mind’ – until it’s too late.

Engine and transmission oil, and radiator coolant changes are also required at specified intervals. So don’t skimp there, either.

Consumers with newer cars need to be mindful of the relationship between regular servicing and warranties. The dealer or the manufacturer cannot be blamed if an engine is destroyed due to lack of servicing.  

And finally, cars that aren’t serviced regularly just have a compounding repair liability, which can lead to larger repairs than would have ordinarily been needed.   

So, at this time, keep safe, and keep your car safe too. 

Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 15 May 2020.

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