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Coronavirus: Auto is open – tell your customers
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Coronavirus: Auto is open – tell your customers

23 April 2020

Lack of work and cashflow are likely to be serious problems for you right now. But there are things you can do to help your situation – and they don't cost a cent. Most automotive businesses in the industry remain open (publicly held vehicle auctions are an exception) and if your business is open too then you should tell your customers about it – don't assume that they know. Here are three simple and practical tips to help you get the message out there...

1. Update your voicemail
Update your business' voicemail and on-hold messages. Ensure the voicemail states clearly that your business is open as normal, and that you'll get back to them shortly. View customer communication templates here.

2. Leverage your website and social media
Do you have a website and/or social media pages for your auto business? Use them to get the word out there. For member convenience, VACC has designed banners and graphics which are available here.

3. Touch base with loyal customers
You've got a database. Use it! Your customers are customers for a reason and they rely on your services to keep them safe on the roads. If they are due for repairs or service – or anything else – reach out (SMS, call or email) and let them know you're open. If applicable, why not delegate this task to a team member who may have recently had a drop in workload? View customer communication templates here.

VACC has launched a community awareness campaign, Auto is open, in order to further support members and get the word out to motorists that auto remains open for business. Use the campaign assets to reach your customers here

