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How To Market Your Business #3
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How To Market Your Business #3

Now we’ve talked about your website and social media, it’s time to get personal! Enter – email marketing...

Chances are, you’ve got a fair amount of experience with email marketing – from a consumer perspective. Email from that pizza chain about today’s awesome deal? Reminder about a dental check-up? Email Marketing! Every time you receive an email from a brand or business, that’s email marketing. And it’s extremely effective. Here’s why...

It's personal!

Ninety-one percent of consumers check their email at least once daily, and 70% say they always read emails from their favorite businesses. You can’t ask for a better automotive marketing tool than email. It’s a direct line of communication and the perfect means of nurturing ongoing relationships, no matter where the customer resides in the buying cycle.

As with all digital communication, consistency is the key. Figure out when you will have time to send out an email and then stick to it. Current trends show that Monday morning is a great time for email marketing – but that doesn’t mean you have to get up and the crack of dawn to do it – thanks to the power of scheduling.

Here are a couple of ideas to kickstart your email marketing:

  • Offer a discount code for a service at your business
  • Got an upcoming promotion – let people know about it!
  • Recent blog posts
  • Answer a question – then have a relevant call-to-action for your site

There are a number of different email marketing providers you can utilise but we like Mailchimp and Vision6 for their simplicity.

