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How To Market Your Business #2
/ Categories: Blog

How To Market Your Business #2

In last week’s blog we covered how to get started, planning and your website. This week it’s all about making friends, getting reactions and going viral – yes, we’re talking social media.

These days, most businesses have some kind of social media presence. It’s a great way of getting in front of customers consistently, but don’t be fooled into thinking you need to be on every platform.

Facebook, as the number one social media site in Australia, is a great place to start.

When it comes to social media, consistency pays. You need to think about how often you can update your feed. It doesn’t matter whether it’s once a week or three times a week, just make sure it’s on the same day. This way people will learn when to expect new content from you.

You need to post enough to be engaging and relevant, but don’t flood your feed. It’s better to post three times a week and have plenty of content in the bank than post two or three times a day and run out in a couple of weeks. It’s also worth taking advantage of new updates – like Facebook Live – to give your audience sneak-peeks, tips and tricks.

If you’re trying to figure out what content you should be posting, think about your customer. Every post should cater to them in some way – whether it’s building brand awareness, informing them of a great deal you’ve got on or offering advice. Think about all the questions you get asked by customers:

  • How often should I change my oil?
  • Do you need to service your car every year?
  • How do you change a tyre?
  • What type of car is best for me?

These are all questions you can answer, either through social media posts, video or blog posts. Every time you get asked a new question, jot it down. People also love to know the stories behind a business so spend some time introducing yourself and your employees, share your story and why you love what you do. People are inherently nosy and are far more likely to engage with a business they feel a connection to.

If you don’t feel like your page or posts are getting as many eyeballs on them as you’d like, you can always pay to increase your reach through Facebook Advertising. Either boost a specific post or create a Likes Campaign to encourage people to like and follow your page. Just be sure you know who you want to reach and keep an eye on how much you’re spending.

