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CVIAA supports new truck safety technical forum

August 25, 2016

Melbourne, 25 August – The Commercial Vehicle Industry Association of Australia (CVIAA) and its affiliate organisation, the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC), welcomes the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) announcement to establish a new high level technical working group that will, amongst other things, provide industry advice on safety systems and technologies that are able to be applied to Australia’s heavy vehicle truck fleet.

CVIAA Chairman, Phillip Hodges, said: “The application of vehicle safety technologies go far deeper than the obvious systems like Electronic Stability Control, Trailer Roll Stability and Autonomous Emergency Braking. Truck safety systems have become far more holistic in recent times, which has included a recognition of the interrelationships between vehicle systems, the driver and the road conditions. It’s great to see the regulator putting a higher level focus in this area given community expectations that heavy vehicles should be getting safer over time.”

VACC Executive Director, Geoff Gwilym, said: “Vehicle, driver and public safety should be paramount and at the forefront of key considerations being made by the regulator. VACC, through its commercial vehicle and component manufacturer members, will assist the regulator, and the forum, by providing important technical advice on the application of new vehicle technologies and, in particular, those relating to heavy vehicle safety.”

VACC’s Commercial Vehicle Industry Association of Victoria (CVIAV) Chairman, Allan Bartlett, said: “The safety risks associated with the fitting of inappropriate equipment and poorly designed truck modifications is enormous. These are often overlooked given these changes generally occur after the truck has left the dealer. The new forum will create an ideal environment to engage in discussions on these matters and to make positive recommendations to the regulator.”

VACC, CVIAV and CVIAA look forward to engaging with the new forum and congratulate the regulator CEO, Sal Petroccitto, on his insights and initiative on this important matter.


Documents to download

  • VACC 1608(.pdf, 244.74 KB) - 32 download(s)
