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The importance of small business
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The importance of small business

3 April 2020

Now we know why it’s so vital

No one could have predicted – even a few weeks ago – what has become of the current Coronavirus situation, and how it’s impacting virtually every Australian.

I am in constant contact with small and medium-sized business owners and what I’m hearing is frankly breaking my heart. At every turn the dreams and hard work of brave and adventurous people are in tatters.

This has brought home to me just how important small and medium-sized enterprises really are to this country. Australians are experiencing this firsthand right now. Restaurants and entertainment complexes have closed; chefs and comedians are unemployed, and taxi operators have been devastated.

People are losing their jobs, and businesses – even entire industries – are going down: travel, hospitality, events... It goes on and on.

The automotive industry has been badly hit too. People have stopped buying cars and motorcycles; fixing the cracked windscreen has been shelved and replacing that bald tyre has been dropped from the priority list, for now.

I completely understand. But I do urge people to put safety first. If your vehicle is in need of repair, either don’t use it or get it fixed if you can.

When things begin turning back to a form of normalcy, please do your best to support your local businesses: the bakery, the butcher, the cafe... They’re going to need your custom more than ever.

And get that bald tyre fixed as soon as you can.


Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 3 April 2020.

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