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The big steal
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The big steal

27 March 2020

Don’t make it easy for thieves

Late-model cars are difficult to steal without having the key. But as a spate of well-publicised home break-ins shows, thieves have also moved with the times in order to get their hands on them.

According to Victoria Police statistics, around 600 residential burglaries each year also involve vehicle theft; that in 30 percent of burglaries there are no visible signs of forced entry; and that less than two percent of burglaries involve any confrontation.

Further, seven out of 10 post-2001 cars are stolen with the owner’s keys and 45 percent of cars are stolen from the home. In other words, we could be making it too easy for crims to steal vehicles.

And the news gets worse.

An often-overlooked problem is that stolen vehicles are used in other crimes, sometimes very serious ones. Stolen cars could also be driven on toll roads and be involved in accidents – both of which could leave owners seriously out of pocket.

Having a car stolen is something nobody wants. So here’s what owners can do to lessen the risk.

Always store car keys out of view and away from external house doors and windows. Ensure keys are at hand at all times and never leave them unattended in a public place. Don’t leave a spare set of house keys or car keys in a vehicle, and lock them whenever they’re left unattended, including driveways.

So, protect your property and do your bit to deter thieves from stealing your car.


Words: VACC CEO, Geoff Gwilym. As featured in the Herald Sun 27 March 2020.

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