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Victoria leads the nation for vehicle theft

October 5, 2016

Melbourne, 5 October – Victoria is Australia’s vehicle-theft capital, new data released by the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC) reports.

NMVTRC’s ‘Quick Stats’ report shows Victoria is continuing to lead all states in the growth of vehicle theft, including profit motivated vehicle theft.

Statistics from NMVTRC shows that total vehicle theft in Victoria has risen by 34 per cent over the last two financial years with profit motivated theft rising by 28 per cent for the same period.

Profit motivated vehicle theft includes theft of vehicles that are illegally scrapped and the parts sold, or shipped overseas in one piece. It also includes vehicles sold kerbside, online, or through other unlicensed channels.

The Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC) has implored the Victorian State Government to act swiftly on the rising rate of vehicle theft in the state.

“The increasing number of vehicle thefts is most concerning, given many of these are associated with a growing rate of aggravated burglaries and car-jacking in Victoria,” VACC Executive Director, Geoff Gwilym, said.

VACC and its members have strongly urged the Victorian State Government to implement legislation to stop cash transactions for scrap vehicles and parts, in order to reduce vehicle theft and home burglaries.

There is currently new legislation being enacted in the NSW parliament to ban cash payments for scrap metals, including so-called scrap cars. This is a system that has been trialled and introduced in the UK and has been shown to sharply reduce vehicle theft rates.

“VACC has warned the Victorian State Government that once these new laws are passed in NSW they should expect the rate of profit related vehicle theft in Victoria to increase, as the thieves move over the border where the new laws don’t exist,” Mr Gwilym said.

The Victorian State Government appears to be unable or unwilling to implement proven solutions.

“By the time government completes its analysis, pilot programs, talk-fests, and reports, the theft rate will have increased dramatically. It needs to take direct action immediately. Victorians fear more vehicle theft-related house break-ins, with families bearing the brunt of government inaction,” Mr Gwilym said.


National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council data:


Documents to download

  • VACC 1611(.pdf, 134.56 KB) - 29 download(s)
